
Greetings Readers,

Some of you have commented that I’ve not written lately.  In fact in the past 4.5 months only five posts have gone up on this site.  Three have been guest essays (by Ken Hutchison, my son Aaron, and an old rescued manuscript that my mom composed in 2000). The other two essays have been about some of the things going on in my brain.

It’s been 16 months since “the crash.”  I’ve been trying quite a few things to manage the headaches. Among them are some acupuncturists, several specialty massage therapists, and some medications. Also on the list was not writing much.

This is notice that the “not writing much” part is quite likely coming to an end — at least on a trial basis. I’m hoping to get back on some sort of modest publishing schedule.  I’ve studied the trends of headaches over the past several months and it seems like the only consistent helper is time.  Time and rest.  The headaches have generally abated quite a bit, although I’ve had a few significant flare-ups lately, perhaps not unlike the paroxysm of a star going through its final flame out.

I’ve gathered some thoughts and notes over the past couple of weeks and hope to have some new pieces up soon.

Thanks for your thoughts, expressions of encouragement and concern, friendship and patience.

I hope you all had a wonderful summer.



3 thoughts on “Update”

  1. Dan Girard


    Glad to hear your still swinging at the key boards. Summer is almost behind us, so it’s time to get off your keester and let it rip.

    Cuz Dan

  2. Eleanor Rolfe

    Joe, I am glad you are soon back in the swing of things, I always enjoy your blogs, sometimes they even give me a lift.. AND A HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ALSO.

    With hope, someday the headaches will be a thing of the past, Love you always, Elle

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